#76 இலக்கி ய இயல்: Shipley, J.T.: Dictionary of world literature. Shipley, J.T.: Dictionary of world literature terms. Shipley, J.T.: Encyclopaedia of Literature. Shipley, J. T.: Guide to Great Plays. Smith, H.: Columbia dictionary of Modern European literature, - Spender, S. & Hall, D.: Concise encyclopaedia of English and American poets and poetry. Steinberg, S.H.; Cassel's Encyclopaedia of literature. Tryon Edwards, D. D.: The New Dictionary of Thouëgis. Watson, G.: Concise Cambridge bibliography of English literature. 600–1950. West, D. H. & Peake, D.H.: Play Index, 1949-1952. Winfrey, Robley: Technical and Business Report Preparation, 3rd Ed. World book encyclopaedia, United States, (9) JOURNALS Aeriel formerly Review of English literature. Aumla (Journal of the Asustralaian Universities. language and literature Association). Best plays and the year book of the drama în America, Essays and studies. Essay on criticism - a quarterly. Journal of Literary Semantics. Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Keats, Shelley, Journal.
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