இலக்கிய இயன் Richards, I.A. Principles of literary criticism. Rickett, E., New methods for the study of literature. Rogers, R.E.: Fine art of reading. Saakaran, A.: Some Aspects of Literary Criticism in Sanskrit. Santayana, George: Essays in literary criticism. Sarma, D. S.: Literary Criticism in Sanskrit and English. Sarte, J. P.: (i) What is literature? (2) Literary Essays. Sastri, K. S. R. : Indian Aesthetics. Scott, William: Five approaches to Literary criticism. Sen Gupta: Towards a Theory of imagination. Shapiro, Kari: In defence of Ignorance. Shaw, Bernard: Major critical essays. Sherman, L.A.: Analytics of literature. Sinha, P. K.: Aspects of Literary criticism. Soares, A.X.: Introduction to the study of literature. Sontag, S.; Against Interpretation and other essays. Spingarn, J.E.: Creative criticism and other essays. Spingarn, J.E.: New criticism. Squire, J.: Flowers of speech. Srinivasa Iyengar, K.R.: Adventure of criticism. Srinivasa Iyengar, K.R.: Two cheers for the common wealth talks on Literature and education. Stallknech, N. P. & Frenz, H.: Comparative Litera ture (Methods and Perspective). Starr, Nathan Comfort: The Dynamics of Literature. Stein, W.: Criticism as dialogue. Sutton, Watter, E. Modern American criticism.
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