இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை
క్షేళ இலக்கிய இயல் (2) GENERAL — (B) Allen, W.; Writers on writing. Brian, Sir Russe : The Nature of Experience. Burke, Kenneth : Philosophy of Literary Form. Carrit, E.F. : The theory of Beauty. Cary, Joyce : Art and Reality. Caudweli, C. Pseud: Illusion and reality. Clark, A. M.: Studies in Literary modes. Croce, Benedetto : Aesthetic. Dewey, John : Art as experience. Elton, william (Ed.) : Aesthetic and language. Fraser, G. S.: The Modern Writer and his world. Irving Howel Modern Literary Criticism-An Anthology. Langer, Susanne, K.: Reflections on Art.
- ఢ్మళ్కీఫీ ః ?" . Leavis, F. R.: Towards Standards of Criticism. Malhotra, Mi. L.: Bridges of literature. . Mayhead, R.: Understanding literature. Riley Carolyn. (Ed.): Contemporary literary criticism.
(Vol. I). Sherman, Suart, P.: On Contemporary fiterature. Warrer, H. C.: Writer’s art. - Waugh Arthur: Tradition and change-studies in con temporary Literature. Dipple, E.: Pjot.