1. The Silappadikaram. English Translation by
V. R. Ramachandra Dikshitar 1939.
2. Mysore and Coorg from loscriptions. Lewis. Rice 1909.
3. Indian Culture.
4. Roman Trade with Deccan. Dr. B. A. Salitore Proceedings of the Deccan History Conference. Hydrabad Session 1945.
5. Epigraphia Carnatica.
6. Ancient Karnataka : History of Tuluva. Baskar Anand Saletore 1936.
7. Ancient India and South Indian History and Culture. Dr. S. Krishnaswami Aiyengar.
8. Cere Kings of the Sangam Period. K. G. Sesha Aiyer 1937.
9. A Comprehensive History of India Vol. II Edited by K. A. Nilakanta Sastri 1957.
10. The Chronology of Early Tamils. K. N. Sivaraja Pillai 1932.
11. The Colas. Vol I. K. A. Nilakanta Sastri.
12. The Secret chamber. V. T. Indo-Chudan 1669.
13. The History of the Tamils. P. T. Srinivasa Iyengar 1929.
14. Kanchipuram in Early South India History. T. V. Mahalingam 1969.