BIBLIOGRAPHY Antiquities of San Thome & Mylaporo.-- by Rev. H. Hoeten. Epigraphia Indica. Epigraphia Carpatica. Inscriptions of Pudukkottai Stato. South Indian Cascriptions Madras Arehacological Reports. Trias i Salaka Purusa Caritram (Gaekwads' Oriental Series.) Mahavamsa--Wilhelm Geiger. Mysore Archaeological Reports. Madras Archaeclogical Reports. South Indian Epigraphical Reports. List of Antiquities G. Robert Sewell. District Gazetteers. District Manuals. Tiruparuttik-luor & its Temples by T. N. Ramachandran. Topa graphical List of Antiquities by V. Kavgacharya. ABBREVIATIONS E. C.-Epigraphia Carnatica. Ep. Ind. Epigrapbia Indica. Mys. Arch. Rep.- Mysore Archaeological Reports. S. J. I.--Souti lodian Inscriptions M.A.R.-Madras Acrchaeological Reports. Ep. Rep.--Madras Epigraphy Reports S.I. Ep. Rop-South Indian Elgraphy Reports Top. List Top. Antiq. Topographical list of Antiquities. Top, lus. P. S.I.-Pudukkottai Slate luscriptions.