so dear to the Indian Pahilvan, costs nothing, and we are assured
by the Chief Saheb that it can have not the slightest deleterious
effect even on the very old and infirm.
There is no doubt that the Chief Scheb at 60 and his publisher at 70 show in their photographs results that ought to pat the most despairing valetudinarian in search of health on the teset of this pansees so firmly believed in, and prescribed in this book in detail, by the Chief of Aundh.
The object of all educational institutions has been mainly to endow students with intellectual efficiency to serve their King and Country. But how far the educational department has acceeded in this, I leave the intelligent rosder to julgo Efficiency to serve the King and the Country cannot be attained without lasting vigoroas health and strength. Has any institution, private or pablic, thought of this in imparting so called liberal eduestion to its students? Does any school or college today keep this goal in view in training its scholars? Almost every school or col ege has facilities for bodily i exercise. Dat statistics and experianos show that all the students- do not take an active part in exere's or sport. Many a black shoop is found to shirk with impunity. But even if all of them do come forward it is practically impossible for any institution to afford sufficient room or space for them all to train physically. In the wet season especially when vigorous bodily exerciso is very necessary to keep one fit, no school or college can provide enough ground for all the students to exorcise. A gymnasiu, if any, can at best affood space for a few wholars only. Suppon a school or college is siteaded by, say four or five hundred boys and girls. And there are many like this. Can is provide suitable and sufficient room for engaging all the students simultaneously in any sport or gasse? Can it supply them all with appantas or outfit? Can it provide them all with tennis, cricket, football or hockey georands? But the question of room prosents no difficulty whatsoever in the case of Surya Namaskar exercise. The rooms and veran daha of the building will provide enough space for all the scholars to perform Surya Namaskars at the sanae hour and throughout the whole year.