We admit that almost all systems of physical exercise are in some way useful. But almost all writers and critics miss our main point. The main point we want to emphasise is that along with a variety of games and sports according to taste, means and circumstances, there must be a compulsory exercise like the Surya Namaskar which can be done individually or en masse all the year round, in order to lay a real and lasting foundation of normal general health and strength. Normal all round health and strength thus acquired and retained will enable one to render a better account of himself not only in any sport or game but in every day life as well. I submit, therefore, that of all the physical exercises Surya Namaskar stands first and foremost in endowing the performer with Health, Efficiency and Longevity. From: Rao Bahadur M. Shama Rao, M.A., Retired Inspector-General of Education in Mysore, BANGALORE, CHAMARAJPET, BANGALORE, 25th May, 1928. My dear Sir, I thank you for the copy of your Kannada translation of “Surya Namaskara "by the Chief of Aundh. I am glad to say that your translation is exceedingly clear and simple. The merit of the work lies in its combination of devotion and physical culture. As such the book ought to appeal to all people, both Hindus as well as others. Yours truly, (Sd.) M. Shama Rao. To S. N. Simba, Esq., MALLE SWARAM P.O., BANGALORE CITY. "Surya Namaskar” has been favourably reviewed by the following Vernacular Newspapers : Karma Veera"-in its issue of 8. 6. 1928 Praja Mitra" do. 14.-5.—1928. Nava Jivana" 25.-5.-1928. Sampadabhyudaya" do. 22.-5.-1928. Kantirava" 5.-6.-1928. do. do.