iv Visvakarnataka" in its issue of 20.-5.--1928. Veera Kesari ” - do. 4.-7.—1928. Mysore Scout" do. 20.-5.-1928. The Chief of Aundh has come foward with a splendid book on the therapy of Sun Worship or Sun Bath, the efficacy of which it took western scientists centuries to know. He has pro fusely illustrated the book with photographs of his own self aal others, and the wonder of it is that even the grateful Rani Saheba who has profited much by such bath, figures in the illus tration. The book which is priced as cheap as one rupee is full of quotations from the writings of the Great Western Nature curists and has a Mahratti Section, where for the benefit of the up-country readers, everything is explained in detail supported by authorities taken from the ancient writings. The Chief's courage of conviction is really admirable, for he has introduced the Sun Bath exercise to the students of the High School in his State. Already attempts are being made to translate the book in the Dravidian languages and at an early date, we will have a Kanarese translation. We cannot feel sufficiently grateful to the Chief for his coming forward to tell us the rationale of a worship which is ages old in our ancient land but the greatness of which we have entirely forgotten as we have done in many other matters.
The Evening Mail, Bangalore, dated 12th May, 1928.
With pleasure we acknowledge a copy of the Kannada edi tion of the " Surya Namaskara" sent by Mr. S. N. Simha, 75 Sampige Road, Malleswaram, Bangalore. We have already noticed in these columns this useful publication by the Chief of Aundh both in Marathi and English. Kannada knowing pubijc shoud not remain without purchasing a copy of this most useful publication containing easy lessons and daily exercises for the physical and spiritual benefit. We draw the attention of our benign Govern ment to this useful publication, so that they may introduce the system of exercise in all the schools and colleges and thus enhance the value of ancient traditional simple but highly ennobling lessons for the development of mind and body. -oda con