தத்துவமும் பக்தியும் இ 11 டேவிட் ஹியூம் ஆனால் நம்முடைய நாட்டிலும் சரி மேலை நாட் டிலும் சரி, உண்மையான சமயவாதிகள், ஒரு சிலவற் றிற்கு எல்லையற்ற மதிப்பீடு (Values) தந்துள்ளனர். அவற்றிற்கு ஏன் மதிப்புத் தர வேண்டும் என்று கேட்டுப் பயனில்லை. தத்துவவாதிகள் இவை பற்றிக் கவலைப் Contempt for metaphysical abstractions, a reverence for scientific method, a system of ethics which is humanist in character and an agnosticism in religion. These empiricists possessed a world outlook and adopted a definite attitude to life and thought. They may be said to be philosophers in the traditional sense of the term, with definite views on the nature of the individual, his place in the world and his destiny. The new empiricists repudiate ali metaphysics. Nothing that is not evident to the senses or to the extension of the senses provided by scientific instruments has any claim to truth. The world of matter that science explores is real and everything else that is real must be of the same nature as matter. Matter is all that we can see and touch. Whatever is capable of empirical verification is true.To apprehend values, to enjoy beauty is irrelevant to the question of truth. It is to wonder in a world of unrealities of shadows, of illusions. An unseen spiritual reality is an unnecessary intruder in the vast impersonal process of space-time. — Recovery of Faith Page 20 & 21.
பக்கம்:தத்துவமும் பக்தியும்.pdf/22
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