Folk-Arts of Tamilnadu
Art is the
happy offspring of the overflowing emotional faculties of man. The human disciplines such. dance, music are the aesthetic representations the intuitive urges of the "unacknowledged legislators" of the destiny of mankind. are the "emotions recollected in tranquility" Creations become artistic, as distinguished from méchanestic when they are the spontaneous outbursts of the visionaries, prophets of human life. Those art forms in which the live man sings and dances and weeps to his heartfulness', become the shaping forces of his wholesome life as well as the 'play' of his day-to-day existence.
Emotion is common to all but its artistic representation is very rare, found only in a chosen few who are capable and talented to let out feelings copiously under certain systems which can appeal to the hearts of men. The changing time affect not only the worldly modes of man but that of arts also. What is in the beginning is only the root but now the developed forms are canopied green foliage contused and bruised well and trimmed attractively to suit the taste of the people.
The developing stages of art may be noted in three forms as primitive art, folk-art and classical art. The free expression of man's emotions is found in primitive art which is forceful and mostly ferocious and fear inspiring. It is an uncontrolled and spontaneous expression ventilated without any stipulated rule or regulation. The swelled emotions. burst out and they