1 | The expression ‘Satiyaputras is but a Pāli corruption of “Satyaputras' that |
2 | it means, ‘Children of the truthful ones' and that |
3 | the Kosar are invariably referred to as the truth loving ones. |
This identification, though reasonable, has not been accepted by some scholars.
Dr. S. Krishnasamy Ayyangar identified the Satyaputras with the Nayars of Malabar on the ground that the former means, ‘sons of the chaste women, This argument is papable farfetched. .
S.V. Venkateswara's identification of the Satyapu-tra with the people of Kanchi area is based on the slender ground that Kanchi was called as Satyavara tha country. This is untenable, as it is based on incidental similarity in names.
R. G. Bhandarkar’s location of Satyaputra near Poona, rightly rejected by V. A. Smith, is equally untenable for the Maharastra region formed part of the Mauryan empire and Asoka speaks of the Satiyaputas as independent Southern region
30 lbid, P-150