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இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை

11. Thiruiththellenam “Let us sing of how sweet is the transcendent Effulgence Who gracefully made even me His own, immersed me in the sea of devotion while the throng of ascetics who, labouring for deliverance stood languished and wearied and beat Thellenam.” (11:12) “Singing in song on the glory of the inconceivably unique and great One, and singing in song the experience of His making us graciously His own that we may notican towards those on earth, or those in the underworlds or those of the )71-73/ יי יידי: ויeוו= af THיeרו אוי e elso le fוזר "ירחa חר חים" יו:hr “Singing with tears welling up in our eyes which resemble those of sel (Barbus spp.) fish, about Him Who is of a nature impeneterable by Maal, Brahma orthe rest of the devaas or the vedaas and Who coming as a subtle One and entering into me a humble being takes pity on me and melts me, let us beat Thellenam”. (11:14)