பக்கம்:புதிய கல்வி முறை-10-2-3.pdf/72

இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை

52 India has over-abundance of human resources and acute scarcity of finance. Our policies should be man-power centred and not money-centred: Human effort and human, ingenuity work wonders, while mere money power proves a non-starter. Indian education would have been in a far happier position today, if Gandhiji's ideas of developing education around work experience had been adopted 2 to 4. decades ago. But then the no-changers had their day and Gandhiji was too busy with more urgent programmes to. secure independence for India, to devote his whole time and attention to educational reform. -