பக்கம்:புதிய கல்வி முறை-10-2-3.pdf/97

இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை

Q . 77 bodies were therefore, unanimously of the opinion' that general education should be extended upto: class X to be followed by diversified education. It is with this broad purpose in view that the Board has provided a core syllabus covering compulsory study of Languages, Sciences, Mathematics, and Social Sciences. For gaining a certain minimum standard of proficiency in other facets, compulsory study of and participation in Physical and Health Education, Community Service etc., have been: prescribed in the curricula. No provision for character building and discipline has been made in the syllabi. The whole education system aims at character building of which personal, moral and social disciplines form essential components. These have been, in-built in the syllabi. Moreover, Community service provides yet another opportunity to cultivate these qualities. The syllabus is very heavy and little time is left for work experience. Keeping in view the explosion of knowledge in all its branches and the objective that a base for diversified education should be prepared, the syllabus has to be heavier but the burden can be reduced through improved methodology and subsequent revisions. 4. With the allotment of 48 periods in the Middle Classes and 45 periods of 40 minutes duration in.