பக்கம்:மயிலை சீனி. வேங்கடசாமி ஆய்வுக் களஞ்சியம் 20.pdf/364

இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை


மயிலை சீனி. வேங்கடசாமி ஆய்வுக்களஞ்சியம் - 20

'But life, as life, suffices youth for joy.

Young plants win sunbeams, shift them as we may.

So to the Nomad tribes

Lead thou their Queen. - O sa"ve, ye gods, my daughter!' 540

The king's proud head bowed o'er the hierarch's breast.

'Not unto me confide that precious charge,'

Replied the sweet voiced seer;

Thou hast a choice of flight, I none. Thou choosest


'To stand or fall, as stand or fall thy towers;

Priests may not choose; they stand or fall by shrines. Thus stand we both, or fall,

Thou by the throne, and I beside the altar.


But to thy child, ev'n in this funeral hour,

Give the sole lawful guardian failing thee;

Let her free will elect

From thy brave warriors him her heart most leans to;


'And pass with him along the secret way.

To lengthen yet the line of Scythian Kings, Meanwhile, since needs must be

We trust to others this long-guarded secret.


Choose one to whom I may impart the clue Of the dark labyrinth; for a guide it needs; Be he in war well tried,

And of high mark among the Nomad riders;


Such as may say unto the antique tribes

With voice of one reared up among themselves,

From walls of stone I bring

Your King's child to your tents; let Scythia guard her


'Well do thy counsels please me,' said the King.

'I will convene to such penurious feast,

As stint permits, the chiefs

Worthiest to be the sires of warlike monarchs: