பக்கம்:மறைமலையம் 1.pdf/40

இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளது

❖ பொருந்தும் உணவும் பொருந்தா உணவும் ❖

on theri part to rid themselves of the accumulation of blood impurities. Even among us the innocent and hard working people who live in villages removed far away from the contamination of town-life, very seldom feel unwell and when they do so they invariably fast until their appetite is improved. In a day or two they get better simply because their chief food consists of light gruel and cheap and wholesome vegetables, animal food being very scarce in rural parts. In this manner their - recovery from any occasional illness is speedy and sure and they live to a good old age.

This simple, harmless, and healthy life led instinctively by country folks and lower animals during the period of illness must have formed a model lesson to the town people who boast of learning and enlightenment, rank and civilization. What availeth all learning, light and rank, if one's life is rendered unfit for the enjoyment of physical, moral, intellectual and spiritual pleasures and be cut off prematurely by sickness and sorrow! It is, therefore, absolutely necessary that every one should know the proper means of right living and adopt it at any cost. All the physical troubles now existing might be traced to the root cause of blood -poison called otherwise Uric Acid. It is this poison that produces multifarious kinds of diseases by being carried into the vital fluid of the human frame through flesh foods. To avoid blood poison, one must totally avoid meat food which is penetrated with uric acid poison.

Observe too how good, how mild, how useful are those animals that feed upon grass and straw, leaves and roots and how bad, how fierce and how worthless those that live upon flesh food. Do not bulls and cows, horses and camels, sheep and deer live only upon grass, and straw, leaves and reeds rejected by man as useless? And yet, how strong, how clean, and how serviceable they are to man who treats them mercilessly! Can any one make lions, tigers, wolves and panthers as useful, as these? It is impossible and impracticable. Man who has climbed up the ladder of evolutionary process so as to become possessed with a tender heart

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