விக்கிமூலம்:தென்கிழக்கு ஆசிய நாடுகளுக்கான நல்கைத் திட்டம் 2/திட்டஅறிக்கைத் தொகுப்பு
- As of fluxx
- Part 1: Understanding your work
- Part 2: Your main learning
- Part 3: Metrics
- Part 4: Financial reporting and compliance
Part 1: Project and impact
தொகுadd comment to field 1. Describe the implemented activities and results achieved. Additionally, share which approaches were most effective in supporting you to achieve the results. (required) In this project, three main activities implemented and the results are achieved as follows;-
- 207 copy right free books are uploaded refer:https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Rapid_Fund_SAARC_2024_Tamil_books. The total number of pages of the books are 56, 418. refer : https://ta.wikisource.org/s/b920
- 42 books are updated (Refer:https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Rapid_Fund_SAARC_2024_Tamil_books_updated ,Details: https://ta.wikisource.org/s/b9v4) after the verification of 460 books's all pages. refer:https://ta.wikisource.org/s/b4fv
- workshops conducted in two colleges, one university department and for the college staffs. Refer: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Rapid_Fund_SAARC_2024_Tamil_Wikisource_events
- எழுத்துணரியாக்கம் சரியாக வர பக்க எண்ணிக்கை, எழுத்துருக்கள் பெரிதாகத் தெரிய பக்க ஓரம் , தொகுதி இணைப்புகள் சீராக்கப்பட்டன. சில நூல்களில் மேலடி இடப்பட்டன.
2. Documentation of your impact. Please use space below to share links that help tell your story, impact, and evaluation. (required) Please share links to: • Project page on Meta-Wiki or any other Wikimedia project • Dashboards and tools that you used to track contributions • Some photos or videos from your event . Remember to share access Also, you can share links to: • Important social media posts • Surveys and their results • Infographics and sound files • Examples of content edited on Wikimedia projects பதிலுரைக் கட்டம்
add comment to field Additionally, share the materials and resources that you used in the implementation of your project. (required) For example: • Training materials and guides • Presentations and slides • Work processes and plans • Any other materials your team has created or adapted and can be shared with others பதிலுரைக் கட்டம்
3. To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding the work carried out with this Rapid Fund? You can choose “not applicable” if your work does not relate to these goals. Required. Select one option per question. (required)
- drop down menus
- While implementing the each object, discussion with selected editor or a person who is not a Wikimedia contributor is done. The discussion directs me in a progressive result.
Part 2: Learning
தொகு4. In your application, you outlined some learning questions. What did you learn from these learning questions when you implemented your project? How do you hope to use this learnings in the future? (required) You can recall these learning questions below: | class='wikitable sortable' |+Summary !Core Metrics !Description !Target |- | Incomplete books completed || Books with missing pages and poorly scanned pages completed by acquiring the pages with issues and uploaded to Tamil Wikisource. || 200 books or 40,000 pages |- |Completed books uploaded || Books that are in complete condition, rechecked, proofread, and uploaded to Ta Wikisource. || 200 books or 40,000 pages |- |Editathons conducted || Existing Tamil Wikisource volunteers and any new volunteers will make a focused push to check, proofread and upload the books to Tamil Wikisource || 6 |- |}
- பதிலுரைக் கட்டம்
Read your initial learning questions and see if you have been able to answer some of them with the information you have collected. Share some of the answers to these questions. This is a great opportunity to say how you will apply your learning for your future work. What decisions will you make based on what you have learned? What might you continue to do or expand? What might you adapt or stop doing altogether based on this?
5. Did anything unexpected or surprising happen when implementing your activities? This can include both positive and negative situations. What did you learn from those experiences? (required)
- tip: Unexpected factors are a great way of learning and adapting. Share some of the things that happened differently from how you had planned and some reflections about why this may have been the case. What did you learn that will be helpful for future processes?
- பதிலுரைக் கட்டம்
6. What is your plan to share your project learnings and results with other community members? If you have already done it, please describe how. (required)
- பதிலுரைக் கட்டம்
Part 3: Metrics 8 கட்டத்தில் எண்ணிக்கையை எழுதி கருத்துரையை தனிக்கட்டத்தில் எழுதியுள்ளேன்.
- They need additional technical workshops. Because wikimedia editing not in their academic syllabus.
- page counting
- scan quality checking (off line)
- margin cropping (off line ) by pdf arranger see tutorial
- PAWS running
8. Other Metrics results.